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A Dream...

Riding my bike on the roads that I once used the most
for the previous half-a-decade carrying loads of dreams

first comes the place where I found my love
& lost myself in her love...
till then I wasn't able to define it
& from then I had no words to express it...

she is the one who has introduced
a new phase of my life to me...
she made me realize my dreams
& promised to be with me...

proceeding forward, arrived my destination...
that part of earth, where my life lives...
she was wearing a green-white dress
in her usual single pleat style hair...

I was standing beside her & her fragrance mesmerized me...
for a second, I forgot why I was there,
& she smiled at me again, but her eyes were asking a question...
“Will you accept me now at least?”, I asked in reply...

my heart got heavy & pulse came down...
a pain that was haunting me from years,
has got its intensity to the peaks & my eyes opened up
realizing that I just woke up, I reminded myself,
shez never gonna come back, even in A Dream...


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